@BloomsburyBaptistNov 19
We have Maggy Whitehouse preaching for us on Sunday. Don't miss out - join us at 11am on Shaftesbury Avenue:
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It can be hard sometimes, can’t it, to love one another? It can be hard to live together with the differences that we have. Differences of theology, belief, style, or preference. Some of us like noise in worship, some of us like silence. Some of us like the organ, some of us would prefer drums. Some of us like intellectual sermons, some of us struggle with them. And I could go on, and on…
And of course, it can be difficult when we don’t get what we want from our church, or if it feels like things we have put our heart and soul into are being trampled or disparaged by others. Somehow, it can all seem more real in church life, because it is here with our siblings in Christ that we lay our emotions before one another and before God, and ask to be loved for who we are and what we bring.
And when we aren’t, or feel that we aren’t, the divisions can so easily creep in, and we step away from our commitment to love. So what is it that will hold us together?
From Simon's Pentecost sermon preached at Bloomsbury on Sunday 20 May 2018.
You can listen to the sermon here:
And read the script here:
and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933
Webinar ID: 215 699 933
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