@BloomsburyBaptistMar 09
'Faith must express itself in mercy and action - in crossing boundaries, showing compassion, and meeting the needs of our neighbour; and such action must be rooted in deep attentiveness to Jesus.' - Revd Dr Simon Woodman
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Agnes Nutter, Pendle witch.
"One cannot ultimately purify the human soul through the exercising of violence against another, however apparently well intentioned. The crusade doesn’t work; the inquisition doesn’t work; the holy war doesn’t work. There must be another way." - Simon Woodman preaching on the parable of the Wheat and the Weeds from Matthew 13.24-43. Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 12th February 2023.
Listen to this sermon here: https://soundcloud.com/bloomsbury-1/witch-hunts-and-scape-goats
Read this sermon here: https://baptistbookworm.blogspot.com/2023/02/witch-hunts-and-scape-goats.html
and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933
Webinar ID: 215 699 933
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