@BloomsburyBaptistFeb 02
"Even the best intentioned disruptions of the rhythms of oppression, can themselves function as tools of oppression if they become the end, rather than the means." - Revd Dr Simon Woodman
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"I’ll say this as bluntly as I know how: I don’t think prayer changes God, or God’s mind, or God’s activity in the world... I am deeply concerned when humans think they can control God by invoking prayer rituals or practices." - Simon Woodman preaching on The Lord's Prayer at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 29 January 2023.
Listen to this sermon here: https://soundcloud.com/bloomsbury-1/paternoster
Read this sermon here: https://baptistbookworm.blogspot.com/2023/01/paternoster.html
and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933
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