@BloomsburyBaptistFeb 02
"Even the best intentioned disruptions of the rhythms of oppression, can themselves function as tools of oppression if they become the end, rather than the means." - Revd Dr Simon Woodman
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'I’ll say this as bluntly as I know how: I don’t think prayer changes God, or God’s mind, or God’s activity in the world. In fact, I’ll go further: I have a suspicion that to utter a prayer list according to some set incantation such as, ‘in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen’, might actually be sorcery.I am deeply concerned when humans think they can control God by invoking prayer rituals or practices.'
From Simon's sermon for the first week in Lent 2018
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and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933
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