@BloomsburyBaptistMar 23
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Hebrews: The Sustaining Jesus
"The people of God are, as they have always been, those who hear, embrace and persevere in the word of God, regardless of their religious affiliation. And if this is true of Jews and Gentiles, I would want to suggest that it is also true of those who seek the truth of the word of God in other religious traditions. None of us have a monopoly on truth, whether Jew or Gentile, Christian or Muslim, Baptist or Roman Catholic, or whatever. What we have in common is that God reaches out to us in love to draw us to himself, and that none of us understands fully what this means. For those of us who search for God within the Christian tradition, however, what it means for us is an unswerving focus on the revelation of God in the person of Jesus."
From a sermon given by Simon Woodman at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 27 May 2018.
Listen to the sermon here:
Read the sermon script here:
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