@BloomsburyBaptistFeb 16
'It is easy to miss the presence of Christ when we have already decided what he should look like. If we expect Jesus only in the places of power, we will not see him among the poor .' - Revd Dr Simon Woodman
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"If you know better, you do better."
What is the depth of commitment that I am willing to take, to stand and journey with those who are ethnically different to me?
How does Revelation's vision of the heavenly multitude, from every nation, tribe, people and language, make me feel?
"Not everyone who comes with you, will go with you."
As part of our series exploring what it means for us to be members of Inclusive Church, we were delighted to welcome as our guest preacher Rosemarie Davidson-Gotobed, National Minority Ethnic Vocations Officer for the Church of England.
Listen to the sermon here:
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