@BloomsburyBaptistMar 23
'God's mission is to restore, renew, and transform what is broken into something whole. God is with us despite all our suffering.' - Windy Piccinini
Church Life
Our services are held both in our beautiful building in the heart of London's West End, and available to join online https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933.
Catch up on previous services via on our YouTube Playlist
Browse our Sermon Archive for some inspiration from the Bloomsbury Pulpit
We offer thoughtful and reverent worship, with an impressive pipe organ and a liturgical style.
Bloomsbury’s vision is ‘Provoking Faith in the heart of London’.
Our Sanctuary has a hearing aid loop, is wheelchair accessible, and we produce our service sheets in large print versions.
and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933
Webinar ID: 215 699 933
Catch up on previous services via our YouTube Playlist