@BloomsburyBaptistMar 23
Church Life
- Acts 1.1-11 - Where's Jesus? (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 1.1-14 - Disciples in Lockdown (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 2:1-4 - Pentecost (Nigel Williams)
- Acts 2.1-13 - You’re not listening to me! Pentecost and the healing of broken relationships (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 2.1-21 - Pentecost without Division (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 2.1-21 - A Jubilee Anointing (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 2.1-21, 37-41 - Pentecost and the Ethic of the Spirit (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 2.42-47; 4.32 – 5.11 - Believing and Sharing (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 3.1-10 - Transformation, Not Charity (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 3.1-10 - Making a difference to one person (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 3.1-10 - Love that Heals (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 4.32-35 - Giving money to the church (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 5: 1-11 - God is not angry (Dawn Cole-Savidge)
- Acts 8.26-39 - Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 9.1-20 - The Three Conversions (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 10.1-17, 27-28, 34-35 - To eat, or not to eat? (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 11 1-18 - Breaking down barriers (Paul Martin)
- Acts 15.1-18 - Identity Politics and the Early Church
- Acts 16.11-40 - Money Making Religion (Simon Woodman)
- Acts 17.1-9 - Turning the World Upside Down (Simon Woodman)
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and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933
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