@BloomsburyBaptistMar 09
'Faith must express itself in mercy and action - in crossing boundaries, showing compassion, and meeting the needs of our neighbour; and such action must be rooted in deep attentiveness to Jesus.' - Revd Dr Simon Woodman
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I think that there are only four basic actors in the Book of Revelation:
The good guys,
the bad guys,
the church,
and everyone else.
The good guys are Jesus, God and the Spirit, and their various angels, and they are the underlying source of good and love in the world. The bad guys are Satan and his various minions, and they are the underlying force for evil in the world The church are all those who have taken an active decision to follow Jesus and they have had their sins forgiven, and have been freed from their enslavement to the forces of evil. And everyone else are those who are not followers of Jesus, and so are still prey to the deceptions of the bad guys.
And that, in a nutshell, is it. All the other characters are just these basic four actors with different costumes on.
Simon Woodman - preaching on Revelation chapters 2-4.
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