@BloomsburyBaptistMar 09
'Faith must express itself in mercy and action - in crossing boundaries, showing compassion, and meeting the needs of our neighbour; and such action must be rooted in deep attentiveness to Jesus.' - Revd Dr Simon Woodman
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"When we come to read Revelation today, we may find it helpful to do with John’s text what he did with his own scriptures. That is, to bring our own world to the world of the text, submitting our lives to its imaginative and transformatory effects, learning to see the world the way John saw it, and in so doing gaining heaven’s perspective on our own earthly situations." - Simon Woodman
Listen to the sermon here: https://soundcloud.com/bloomsbury-1/apocalypse-now-1-heavens-perspective-on-power
Or subscribe on iTunes here
Read the sermon here: https://baptistbookworm.blogspot.com/2019/04/apocalypse-now-1-heavens-perspective-on.html
and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933
Webinar ID: 215 699 933
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