@BloomsburyBaptistMar 23
'God's mission is to restore, renew, and transform what is broken into something whole. God is with us despite all our suffering.' - Windy Piccinini
About Us
Our mission is to discern God’s loving and inclusive will:
we nurture faith and build community,
we confront injustice, create sanctuary, and deepen relationships.
[Read a commentary on our Mission Statement]
Provoking faith in the heart of London.
[Read a commentary on our Vision Statement]
We strive to be:
Radically Christ-centred, proactively inclusive, empowering with justice;
dissenting yet faithful, thoughtful and reflective, relevant and outward looking;
diverse yet focussed, courageous and loving, hospitable and generous;
imaginative and risk-taking.
[Read a commentary on our Values Statement]
Leaves = Mission Statement (Active)
Trunk = Vision Statement (Strong)
Roots = Values Statement (Deep)
and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933
Webinar ID: 215 699 933
Catch up on previous services via our YouTube Playlist