@BloomsburyBaptistFeb 23
"The measure we use to judge others is the measure by which we, too, will be judged. If we view others through a lens of condemnation, we miss the opportunity to participate in God’s grace. " - Revd Dr Simon Woodman
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Verse 1
We are your people called together,
Bringing hearts and minds to you;
We nurture faith through strength and weakness,
Seeking truth in all we do.
Great God you call us to your heart-beat:
Living love, including all;
Provoking faith across our city,
Help us follow where you call.
Verse 2
Great Christ our centre and our focus
Give us courage to stand true;
Confronting forces of injustice,
Risking all, we follow you.
Verse 3
This church stands open to your Spirit,
We will help the broken mend;
A sanctuary for those excluded,
Christ, we follow to the end.
Words: Simon P Woodman
Music: Alexandra Cran-McGreehin
Note: you may wish to substitute the line 'Provoking faith across our nation' in the chorus if that is more applicable.
Vocals: Alexandra, Liz, Helen, Ruth, Frank, Keith, John
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Webinar ID: 215 699 933
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