Bloomsbury is part of West London Citizens, and stands alongside other churches, mosques, synagogues, schools, universities, and civic institutions to build power to work for justice in our society.
Get Involved
We have a number of volunteering opportunities for you to get involved in.
Citizens UK
Evening Centre
OUR EVENING CENTRE IS CURRENTLY SUSPENDED. This is a partnership between Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church and the Simon Community. Every Tuesday we share food and spend time with those who are rough sleepers and affected by homelessness. We need people to spend time with our guests and help create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
The Sunday Kitchen Teams
OUR SUNDAY LUNCHES ARE CURRENTLY SUSPENDED. Every Sunday we share a light community lunch for congregation and friends. We need help preparing, cooking and serving the food. Why not sign up to our rota and become part of one of our fantastic kitchen teams?
Tuesdays at Bloom
10:30am - 3:30pm
OUR TUESDAY LUNCHES ARE CURRENTLY SUSPENDED. Every Tuesday from 10.30am to 3.30pm we have a drop in for the active retired. We also serve a three course meal. We need help cooking and serving. We are also looking for those who are willing to come in to play boggle, chat and hang out, and spend time with those who attend.
Open Doors
Tue - Weds
10am - 4pm
OPEN DOORS IS CURRENTLY SUSPENDED. We need friendly faces to welcome the many users and visitors to our church during the week, from tourists to hirers, to those lost and looking for the British Museum, to actors in for a readthrough, to those looking for a quiet space in the city centre, to those looking for help.
We see volunteering as an opportunity to become involved in our wider community,
and to give something back to society.
If you are interested in volunteering with us, please do get in touch.
Join us for worship each Sunday at 11am
in our beautiful building on Shaftesbury Avenue
and online at
Webinar ID: 215 699 933
Catch up on previous services via our YouTube Playlist